Taren Point Public School

Telephone02 9524 6379



At TPPS, we value the benefits of learning a second language!

Research shows there are many advantages in learning a second language:

  • Improved cognitive functioning
  • Enhanced memory, listening and problem solving skills
  • Improves your English
  • Boosts creativity
  • Builds confidence
  • Slows dementia
  • Travel opportunities

All students (K-6) learn French for an hour a week. 

We have taken great measures to become a hub for French language learning in our community and offer several great opportunities, which include access to a French playgroup, after school French classes and our school programs.

French immersion program

We are very pleased to be offering a French Immersion program at our school for Kindergarten through to Year 6 students. We have received substantial community support in providing the program from the Francophone Association of Southern Sydney (FASS). The teacher is parent funded and team teaches with the class teacher, teaching the Australian Curriculum in French (4 hours per week).
Our French language and Immersion program have attracted attention from both the French and Canadian Consulates. Both consulates have visited the school and we are pleased to have their support. 

Please note that we currently have a waiting list for 2025 and interest registered for Kindergarten enrolment up to and including 2029. Places are limited. Please contact Anyes McLean at the school office for more information on our program and the enrolment process.


Member of AAFEBS

Taren Point Public School is the 3rd school in New South Wales and one of only 15 schools in Australia to become a member of Australian Association of French English Bilingual Schools (AAFEBS). This is a fantastic achievement for our school!

L'école publique de Taren Point est la troisième école de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud et l'une des 15 écoles d'Australie à devenir membre de l'Association australienne des écoles bilingues anglais-français (AAFEBS). C'est une réussite fantastique pour notre école!

DELF PRIM Assessment

Alliance Francaise, Sydney, offer students the opportunity to sit for a number of French exams, including DELF Prim.

DELF Prim is a diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education which certifies a primary school student's level of proficiency in French. It is offered at three levels for beginner students: A1.1, A1 and A2.

The content of the exam questions is tailored to the knowledge and interests of primary school students. For all intents and purposes, the DELF Prim certificate awarded to successful candidates is regarded as equal to all other DELF certificates.


French Playgroup

Our school offers families a French Playgroup who meet fortnightly on a Friday. More details can be found on their Facebook page: frenchplaygroup

Community partnership

We are very pleased to have support of the program through our community partnership with F.A.S.S. (Francophone Association of Southern Sydney) and the businesses who sponsor them.

FASS is an active not for profit organisation who promote French language and culture in the southern region of Sydney.

If you would like to find out more about FASS, their sponsors and the activities they host throughout the year, please visit their website: http://fass.org.au/

Our French Market

French Market Logo

The 'La Belle Vie' French market is held in May every year.  With 70 plus stalls of French goodness, it is always a fun day and a huge success, ensuring it is now listed as a permanent fixture on the school calendar.  All proceeds from the market are committed to the French programs at TPPS.

For up to date on this fabulous market - Follow us on Facebook @ La Belle Vie French Market