Personal Development, Health and Physical Education is one of the key learning areas in the NSW primary curriculum. This syllabus makes a unique contribution to the total school curriculum in that it is directly concerned with supporting the development of the student as a whole person. Its implementation has the potential to contribute to improved and ongoing quality of life for all. It provides a vehicle for social, physical, emotional and moral learning and is an important expression of our culture.
PD and health
These lessons include Child Protection lessons, general safety lessons and a range of student welfare programs including Peer Support, Restorative Justice Practices, resilience building and anti-bullying programs.
Our class PE programs focus on the acquisition of fundamental movement skills. Sport and physical activity are valued elements of daily life at Taren Point Public School. Active participation, enjoyment and skill development are the corner-stones of the school's sport/physical activity experiences and all our students (K-6) take part in regular PE lessons and sport clinics, which include AFL, NRL, Cricket and Gymnastics. Our students and staff participate in the Premier's Sporting Challenge each year.
All students in Years 3-6 participate in local competitive sport by taking part in Cronulla Zone Primary School Sports Association (PSSA) Students participate in a variety of sports, including basketball, soccer, netball, cricket, athletics, swimming and cross country.
School swimming scheme
We spend a lot of our time in and around the water: it’s a big part of our culture. For this reason, it’s important that our students learn water safety and survival skills, so that they can continue to enjoy aquatic activities.
To help achieve this goal, the Department of Education (DoE) runs the School Swimming and Water Safety Program. This is a government funded program that is free for students, with only the pool entry and transport costs to be met. TPPS students in years 1 and 2 usually participate in this valuable program each year.